Chakras - "Spinning Wheels of Energy"
As far back as 5,000 years ago, it has been documented that colour feeds and balances the body, mind and spirit. The seven colours of the rainbow come from light frequencies and light is a natural source of energy. These rainbow colours with their different frequencies can make us feel relaxed and calm or make us energetic and stimulated. Although we constantly absorb “colour energy” through our eyes and skin, we also absorb this light through a system of seven energy centres called “Chakras”. These chakras are connected to major organs and glands on a physical level but also to our emotional, mental and spiritual levels representing the whole person. If we have disturbances on any of these levels, a chakra’s vitality will show an imbalance of over activity or under activity. Our seven chakras are constantly spinning at different frequencies which correlate to the seven colour frequencies. This means that imbalances can be healed by using colour therapy.
Through color we receive all the energies we need to maintain a health body, mind, and soul. The National Institute of Mental Health has done studies showing that our mental health, behaviour, and general efficiency in life depends to a great extent on normal color balance. When something goes wrong, or is out of balance, we can strengthen our energy centres through the conscious use of colour therapy. Colour Energy exists everywhere and can be acquired through the food we eat, the clothes we wear, our surroundings, aromatherapy, sound, gemstones, and color therapy bath products which are all ideal for re-balancing of the seven chakras.
What Are The Seven Chakras?
The word chakra (or as it is spelled in Sanskrit - Çakra - with the c pronounced as ch) means wheel, and originally referred to a chariot wheel. Later it became associated with the term "wheel of light" which is the modern usage of the word. The seven chakras were first described nearly 2600 years ago, in the ancient sacred texts. Most of the current Western knowledge of the chakra colors comes from an English translation of Sanskrit texts from the 10th and 16th centuries. The seven chakras are the root, spleen, solar plexus, heart, throat, brow, and crown chakras. This relates to the colours Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. It is interesting to note that the seven chakras described so long ago actually have a basis in anatomy - they correspond to five main nerve ganglia of the spinal column and two areas of the brain (upper and lower). So in effect, in accordance with the chakra definition, they truly are "energy centers"!
If we have one or more chakras which are out of balance or tune, then this can over time lead to physical, emotional or mental disease. Keeping our seven chakras aligned and singing with the harmony that they are meant to have can lead to a sense of health and balance which can improve our lives on many different levels. For instance, if our heart chakra is unbalanced, then we may have difficulty forming good relationships with our loved ones, or it may leave us feeling little empathy for our fellow humans. Or on the other hand, we may be *too* emotional, and take things too much to "heart" which can lead to unnecessary suffering and worry. There is also some medical evidence that people who live happy lives have a decreased incidence of coronary heart disease, thus showing that a happy heart is a healthier heart! Understanding the relationships between our subtle bodies and our physical bodies can help us to lead happier and healthier lives.