
12/12/12 has finally arrived. As I’m sitting here drinking a cup of tea and watching the snow fall outside, I’m thinking, “The world hasn’t ended today, but a whole bunch of stuff in my life has ended this year”.2012 has been more than a year of transformation. It’s been a time of endings. I’ve seen marriages, careers, and lives end this year. For myself personally, I took this year to revamp my business, refocus and move forward. In the process, I instead went through a separation, moved out on my own and had a few close people in my life cross over to the other side, including my Dad this past November. I knew entering 2012 that major changes were about to happen to many people but I never expected I’d be such a recipient of this energy.Throughout the process my faith has kept me strong. I keep believing that if God has given me all this upheaval to work through in a short time, then there has to be a light at the end of the tunnel. If I didn’t trust in that philosophy, I would crash and burn. I’m proud to say that I’m moving through the process quite well now due to that specific belief and the love from my soul family and friends.Hindsight is always 20/20 and I’m blessed to say that in the chaos I’ve found many blessings. In looking back over the year, I’ve discovered I’m living more authentically than I gave myself credit for in the past. I’m living with my mission to teach, heal and serve. During my own transition and change I accomplished more than I thought possible. I developed the teleseminar series called, “Healing Your Heart Through Transition and Change - A 16 step process”. I moved back to the part of town I missed so much and craved to return to for so long. I currently love spending time with my 2 great kids even more now and I’m also loving my alone time. I’ve met some pretty amazing new people in my life who have become a new group of friends. I’m in the process of launching Soul Sauna Level 2 taking place in Feb. 2013 after Level 1 and both are taking place in Bahamas. I’m ready to jump back into my business full force with love, an open heart, an unwavering belief in my spiritual support system and a knowing that I may be walking a new path but it’s where I’m meant to be. The light at the end of the tunnel keeps getting brighter and brighter.However 2012 has affected your life this year, take a moment to honour your successes. Each challenge has pushed you to a new way of thinking or being. Be grateful for these changes, as it’s time to open our eyes and hearts to a more beautiful way to live.I fully believe that 2013 awaits us with an abundance that will blow our minds! Be ready to manifest your hearts true desires. It’s time for “Out with the old and in with the new”.Blessings,Angela


Ignite Your Happy TV


Healing Your Heart During Transition and Change Teleseminar