Determine Your Core Values...with the colour BLUE!

Whether we are at the beginning of our self-discovery journey or in the middle of our path, finding our true core values is crucial for remaining in alignment to our authentic self and staying on purpose. 

Your core values are just that – YOUR core values.  There are many values you could embody, but your top 3 core values are your guide in life.  Once you identify your core values, you will be aligned, authentic and heading towards your life purpose.

Here is an analogy to understand the importance of your core values. Think of holding a bouncy ball in your hand.  It feels nice and when you throw it against a wall it comes back to you. You could play this game for hours. Back and forth, back and forth. However, eventually you get tired of the game and stop playing. You don’t “Need” to throw the ball anymore and you are ok with that. You can play again another day.

Now think of the ball in your hand as a glass ball. What will happen when you throw the glass ball against the wall? CRASH!  It breaks into tiny pieces and you can’t get it back. 

Your core values are your glass balls!  They mean everything to you and they need to be honoured and nurtured or you lose a piece of yourself. 

This is how important your core values are. Knowing your top 3 are imperative for happiness and growth in life. 

Once you know your core values, you have a greater understanding of your personal and professional relationships. Although not everyone will all have the same top 3 core values, everyone needs to Respect each other’s values. Being different is what sets us apart and makes us unique. However, if Respect for each other’s values isn’t present, relationships and communication will suffer.

Watch this video interview I did on Roger’s TV Daytime and how the hosts, Jeff and Jacqueline, uncover their 3 values and how it relates to their chosen career.

Interested in uncovering YOUR top 3 core values? Email me to book your private one on one consultation and together we will find the core values that will align your life path, authenticity and direction in life.


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