Good things come to those who love!
“Good things come to those who love!” Spoken by my angels this morning.I woke up today with a bit of a head cold, feeling down, unsure of the future when I stopped myself. I decided the only way to change my thoughts and feelings in that moment was to have a colour bath infused with Epson salts, bubbles and great spiritual music.I chose the colour Indigo for my bath as it helps you to see the big picture in life and stop looking at the tiny details and the “What ifs” of the world.The bath was my ceremony. I honoured my body in the richness of the bubbles. I burnt incense and chanting along with the music. My thoughts went from the “What ifs” to the manifestation of the positive “What ifs”.Then loud and clear I heard my angels say, “Good things come to those who LOVE.”….not wait, as the saying goes, but LOVE.I was brought back to my past 2014 year. All I did was focus on loving myself and spreading the love to others. In doing so, I created incredible, positive change in my life and expanded my soul sister and brother community.So this year, I’ve decided to be a Love and Manifestation Magnet! What does that mean? I will think, speak, walk and be in the power of love. I will trust and ask for what I need from the universe and believe even more whole heartedly that I can manifest whatever I need and desire.At the beginning of a year it is important to set your intentions and put your desires out to the universe. What kind of magnet are YOU going to be? A money magnet? A friend magnet? A magnet of excellence? An adventure magnet? The choice is yours. Take some time to center and go within. What magnet are YOU this 2015? I’d like to hear your choice.