November's Colour of the Month - VIOLET

As the year draws to an end, November is the ideal time to use Violet for colour therapy healing. Violet is the colour energy of our top chakra, the crown centre, and reflects the energy of knowingness and spiritual connection. It is the energy of our belief system and focuses on working for a higher purpose.

As the year is coming to an end, this is the time to put power into completing old projects and to use Violet colour energy to create and manifest new beginnings. A positive Violet energy makes things happen!

Violet nourishes artistic talent and inspiration. In November use Violet for vision and great mental strength for planning, which then will be followed by the Red's action power in December.

For colour therapy healing this calming and beautiful colour is also known to help with insomnia, headaches and eczema. Violet is known to be an antibacterial cleanser; ideal for skin rashes or burns.

Other Violet colour energy forms are: lavender, jasmine and magnolia essential oils; valerian, vervain and meadowsweet herbs; eggplant, plums, kale, broccoli and purple grapes are a few of the purple foods. Amethyst and quartz crystal gemstones are both related to the higher energies as they open us to the heavens, our higher self and God (ideal for meditation purposes).

Try wearing our Amethyst Angel Pendant for connection to the divine and to hold the Belief that your spiritual support system is with you.

Purchase the angel pendants on our Etsy store :)

Have a colourful day!

For personal or professional insight, visit my Soul Sessions page.


December's Colour of the Month - RED


October's Colour of the Month - ORANGE