"Just a Little Patience"
My Dad was was the most patient person I knew. I remember a trip to Fenelon Falls. My Mom and my sister and I would be shopping in the downtown area and my Dad would go lie down in the grass under a tree and have a nap while us girls took our time shopping. As a 10 year old I knew my Dad was patient.
Now as an adult, I see the lesson of patience come into my life all the time – and I’m not as patient as my Dad! However, I’m learning.
Currently, I’m in need of patience with my house selling, hearing about an amazing work opportunity, finding my perfect partner and securing financial stability.
Luckily, by practicing patience, I have seen the rewards. My web site has finally been re-done and has just gone live this week after waiting since last September to make this happen.
I took a break from running Ecstatic Dances and with patience, listened to my tribe about wanting them to return, and have just launched the “Free to be Me” Ecstatic Dances May 25th and June 22nd.
Every day I am seeing new connections, new opportunities and new paths opening for me. I know my Dad is up there in heaven guiding me and reminding me of the importance of patience.
Thanks for the lesson Dad.